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9 Must-Haves for Your District’s MTSS Data Platform

Lara Fredrick
Lara Fredrick
9 Must-Haves for Your District’s MTSS Data Platform



Data-based decision-making is critical to a successful multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS). Educators must regularly collect and analyze a vast amount of data to determine the best course of action for students. This can be a daunting task for many educators, particularly those who are not trained in data analysis.

These challenges are compounded when you’re using software that’s not up to the task. Maybe your data is spread across several different platforms—with several different logins and interfaces to boot.

When someone asks you for a list of interventions, maybe your first thought is, “I know that must be in Google Drive somewhere.”

Or you might be dealing with a so-called “all-in-one” data storage solution, but it’s so outdated, slow, and difficult to use that sometimes you think you’d be better off with pen and paper. 

Sound familiar?

This is no way to run an effective MTSS across multiple schools in a district. The good news is that there are better choices available. Let’s dig into what makes a good MTSS data platform, and what to look for when you’re choosing a new solution.

Screenshot 2023-10-24 at 9.07.09 AM

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What to Look for When Choosing an MTSS Platform

Choosing the right software for your district will depend on the unique needs of your leadership, staff, and students. Start by identifying the specific needs of your district:

  • What are the current challenges with your MTSS implementation? 
  • What features are essential for your district? What features would be nice to have? 
  • What is your price point? What funding is available for this purchase?

Make sure to also ask for input from those who will be using the tool most frequently. For example, if you expect student support teams to use this data for intervention planning and Tier 2 supports, ask for their feedback on possible platform choices (even if they won’t be making the final decision). 

9 Key Features of an MTSS Data Tracking Platform


1. Data Management

A superior MTSS platform should be able to collect and store data from multiple sources. You should be able to easily view and analyze academic, attendance, and behavior data for individual or groups of students, grade levels, schools, or the entire district with just a few keystrokes. 


Screenshot of Panorama Student Success showing red, yellow, and green indicator bars for school academics, attendance, behavior, and SEL.

In Panorama Student Success, you can easily view data at the student, group, class, school, or district level. Colored indicator bars allow educators to get an instant picture of student growth across academics, attendance, behavior, and SEL. (Mock data pictured)


2. Integrations

Your district already has tools and systems in place that help you track student information, and that shouldn’t have to change. An ideal MTSS platform will integrate with the tools you use, seamlessly bringing that data into one centralized location for easy access.


3. Expanded Functionality

In addition to collecting, storing, and visualizing data, an MTSS platform should have the capability to support universal screening, intervention planning, and progress monitoring.


Screenshot of Panorama Education's intervention planning and progress monitoring tools. This screenshot shows an intervention plan for one student.

Create detailed intervention plans and monitor student progress. (Mock data pictured)


4. Customization

Every district in every state has unique needs—there is no “one-size-fits-all” to MTSS. Your platform should be dynamic and customizable to your specific use case.

5. Actionable Reporting

Custom reporting capabilities allow you to explore and answer questions specific to your school or district. You must be able to quickly identify areas where additional support may be needed, and easily share student progress with other teachers, administrators, and families.


Screenshot of Panorama Education's custom report tools for student performance data

Custom reporting allows you to quickly view data for all areas of student performance.


6. Collaboration

MTSS team meetings should be spent on problem-solving, not tracking down data points. A comprehensive MTSS platform will allow educators to get on the same page while making data-based decisions and taking action to support students. You should have the ability to share interventions, groups, and profiles among educators who support the same students.

Screenshot of Panorama's district-level MTSS Dashboard

A high-level, district-wide view of your MTSS helps team members identify areas for collaboration. (Mock data pictured)


7. User-friendly 

A platform is only as good as its usability—if your experience with the software is unclear or confusing, you simply aren’t going to use it. Picking a platform with clean data visualization and easy-to-understand workflows will help ensure that you and your educators enjoy working with it.


Screenshot of Panorama Student Success showing red, yellow, and green color coding to easily view student progress in academics, behavior, attendance, and SEL

Color coding, filters, and an intuitive interface make it easy to understand your district’s academic, attendance, behavior, and SEL data at a glance. (Mock data shown)


8. Privacy and Security

Nothing is more important than the safety of students, and that also applies to their data. Find a software provider that you trust, with robust measures in place to protect student data from unauthorized access, breaches, and data loss.


9. Training and Support

Purchasing software is one thing—learning how to use it confidently and effectively is quite another. Choose a provider that offers system training and ongoing support to make sure that you are making the most of your platform.


Panorama Student Success is the market-leading K-12 platform for helping districts translate insights into effective student supports. With unified data and intuitive support planning tools, Student Success makes it easy to understand student needs and provide targeted support to drive academic outcomes within MTSS.


Takeaways and Next Steps

The right MTSS data platform can save time, provide valuable insights, and help educators make data-driven decisions. No matter what MTSS data tracking software platform you choose, it should have the following capabilities: 

  • Streamlined data management with tools for screening, intervention planning, and progress monitoring 
  • Allows customization and integrations with existing systems 
  • Facilitates team collaboration through easy-to-share reports, a user-friendly interface, and continued support and training options. 
  • Private and secure data storage 

By taking these factors into consideration, you can choose a reliable and efficient platform that supports effective MTSS implementation. And with a robust MTSS in place, school districts can better address the academic and behavioral needs of their students, setting them up for long-term success in school and beyond.


Are you ready to see how Panorama Student Success can transform your MTSS? Schedule a meeting with our team today.

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