Take a tour of Panorama's survey platform

Measure, understand, and engage your school community

Schedule a demo with our team or give us a call at  (617)-356-8123

Schedule a demo for your school or district:

Download Panorama's surveys for students, families, and teachers in our 360° Survey Starter Pack:

Proud partner of innovative Arizona districts

We help schools and districts understand feedback from their stakeholders in 4 key areas

Student Voice

Student Voice

Capture student feedback through surveys about teaching, learning, and classroom experiences

School Climate

School Climate

Understand the factors that foster safe, social, and positive learning environments at school

Teacher & Staff Engagement

Teacher & Staff Voice

Support productive and professional conversations between teachers, staff, and school leaders

Family & Community Engagement

Family & Community Engagement

Promote healthy family-school relationships and engage stakeholders in your community

Start with research-backed surveys

Start with research-backed surveys

Choose from our library of research-backed survey instruments to collect valid and reliable perception data. Our surveys are designed and tested to gather feedback from students, family members, and teachers and staff.

With our online platform, build and share your survey seamlessly. Get unlimited responses, create your own custom questions, and ensure secure data collection with one-time access codes.

Download our Surveys

Panorama Student Survey Panorama Student Survey

Capture student perceptions using the Panorama Student Survey, which features topics like Student Engagement, Pedagogical Effectiveness, School Climate, and Safety.

Family-School Relationships Survey Family-School Relationships Survey

Engage parents, guardians, and family members with the Family-School Relationships Survey, which includes topics like Family Efficacy, School Fit, and Family Engagement.

Panorama Teacher & Staff Survey Panorama Teacher & Staff Survey

Get feedback from teachers and staff members with the Panorama Teacher Survey, which includes topics like Well-Being, Feedback and Coaching, School Leadership, and Professional Learning.

Panorama Has Supported Feedback Surveys for millions of students nationwide
Monitor response rates in real-time
Monitor response rates in real-time

Track the progress of your surveys by monitoring response rates in real-time. Send targeted reminder emails to only those that haven't completed your survey.

Surveys supported in 30+ languages
Surveys supported in 30+ languages

Reach every member of your school community with support for surveys in 30+ languages, including translations of our research-backed surveys.

Panorama surveys help you see the whole child

With Panorama, schools and districts can transform survey results into insights using our best-in-class data analytics. Explore your data with inquiry tools that highlight trends over time, gaps between subgroups, strengths and areas for growth.

View your survey results at a glance

See your high-level results across each topic on your survey to identify strengths and areas for growth against your school or district average.

Identify experience gaps between subgroups

Disaggregate your data by subgroups—including race/ethnicity, grade level, gender, or custom data attributes—to understand experiences and equity.

Understand the voice of your community

Visualize the voice of your stakeholders with free response analytics that organize open-ended text responses into interactive word clouds and highlighted keywords.

Explore the Survey Platform →

Compare student survey data with national benchmarks

See how your survey results compare to others' from your school, your district, and our national dataset of thousands of schools. Benchmarks offers a wider perspective to interpret your data.

Learn more about Benchmarks →
Compare your data to Benchmarks

Get started with Panorama surveys in your school or district

Get a free demo of our reports today or download our survey resources

Take a tour of Panorama

Get insights with a technology platform that supports student success

Schedule a demo with our team or give us a call at  (617)-356-8123

Schedule a demo for your school or district: