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34 Survey Questions for Teachers and Staff About Equity, Inclusion, and Cultural Competency

Jenna Buckle
Jenna Buckle
34 Survey Questions for Teachers and Staff About Equity, Inclusion, and Cultural Competency



Building equitable and inclusive environments in schools starts with adults—the teachers, staff, and administrators who interact with students every day.

Consider getting started with this work by gathering survey feedback from your teachers and staff. What are their perceptions of the teaching and learning environment for students and adults? What resources or support do your educators need?   

These critical data—when gathered regularly—can help your school or district team prioritize supports to teachers and staff, deliver targeted professional development, and create a safer, more inclusive working environment that improves teacher wellness and benefits students.

Below, we've compiled 34 questions—grouped by survey topic—that you can use to gather feedback from teachers and staff about equity and inclusion at school.

Please note that this is just an excerpt of our full, research-backed teacher and staff survey instrument. We've also made the complete survey available for download in a PDF format—including the topics, questions, and response options.

Download the open-source Panorama Teacher and Staff Survey

Survey Topics

34 Questions to Gather Feedback From Teachers and Staff on Equity and Inclusion

How much faculty and staff feel that they are valued members of the school community.

1. How well do your colleagues at school understand you as a person?

2. How connected do you feel to other adults at your school?

3. How much respect do colleagues in your school show you?

4. How much do you matter to others at this school?

5. Overall, how much do you feel like you belong at your school?

Cultural Awareness and Action (Adult Focus)
How well a school supports faculty and staff in learning about, discussing, and confronting issues of race, ethnicity, and culture.

6. How often do school leaders encourage you to teach about people from different races, ethnicities, or cultures?

7. How often do you think about what colleagues of different races, ethnicities, or cultures experience?

8. How confident are you that adults at your school can have honest conversations with each other about race?

9. At your school, how often are you encouraged to think more deeply about race-related topics?

10. How comfortable are you discussing race-related topics with your colleagues?

11. How often do adults at your school have important conversations about race, even when they might be uncomfortable?

12. When there are major news events related to race, how often do adults at your school talk about them with each other?

13. How well does your school help staff speak out against racism?

Cultural Awareness and Action (Student Focus)
How well a school supports students in learning about, discussing, and confronting issues of race, ethnicity, and culture.

14. How often are students given opportunities to learn about people from different races, ethnicities, or cultures?

15. How often do you think about what students of different races, ethnicities, or cultures experience?

16. How confident are you that adults at your school can have honest conversations with students about race?

17. At your school, how often are students encouraged to think more deeply about race-related topics?

18. How comfortable are you discussing race-related topics with your students?

19. How often do students at your school have important conversations about race, even when they might be uncomfortable?

20. When there are major news events related to race, how often do adults at your school talk about them with students?

21. How well does your school help students speak out against racism?

Educating All Students
Faculty perceptions of their readiness to fully support all learners.

22. How easy do you find interacting with students at your school who are from a different cultural background than your own?

23. How comfortable would you be incorporating new material about people from different  backgrounds into your curriculum?

24. How knowledgeable are you regarding where to find resources for working with students who have unique learning needs?

25. If students from different backgrounds struggled to get along in your class, how comfortable would you be intervening?

26. How easy would it be for you to teach a class with groups of students from very different religions from each other?

27. In response to events that might be occurring in the world, how comfortable would you be having conversations about race with your students?

28. How easily do you think you could make a particularly overweight student feel like a part of class?

29. How comfortable would you be having a student who could not communicate well with anyone in class because their home language was unique?

30. When a sensitive issue of diversity arises in class, how easily can you think of strategies to address the situation?

Professional Learning About Equity

Perceptions of the quantity and quality of equity-focused professional learning opportunities available to faculty and staff.

31. At your school, how valuable are the equity-focused professional development opportunities?

32. When it comes to promoting culturally responsive practices, how helpful are your colleagues’ ideas for improving your practice?

33. How often do professional development opportunities help you explore new ways to promote equity in your practice?

34. Overall, how effective has your school administration been in helping you advance student equity?


Elevate Teacher and Staff Voices This Year With Panorama

Schools and districts can use Panorama’s leading survey administration and analytics platform to quickly gather and take action on information from teachers and staff. The questions and prompts are applicable to all types of K-12 school settings and grade levels, as well as to communities serving students from a range of socioeconomic backgrounds.

adult sel and well being - get survey results at your fingertips

Our team provides hands-on support with customizing your survey, exploring the results, and taking action on the data to develop supports for teachers and staff. We also provide professional development for educators of all levels, including workshops on unpacking data and embedding survey data into school and district strategic plans. 

Get Started Today! Download Panorama's Full Teacher and Staff Survey

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