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Success Stories

What Is It Like to Implement Panorama Student Success? Weber School District Shares Their Experience

Nicole Mickle
Nicole Mickle
What Is It Like to Implement Panorama Student Success? Weber School District Shares Their Experience



Weber School District

"What does the implementation process look like for Panorama Student Success?"

At Panorama, we get this question time and again from schools and districts who are interested in partnering with us to drive impact for students.

As the account director for Weber School District—serving 32,000 students in Ogden, Utah—I've had  the distinct pleasure of working with Weber this year on rolling out Panorama Student Success to their district leaders, school leaders, ed-tech administrators, counselors, and teachers.

I connected with a few members of the Weber district team (Cami Alexander, elementary director, Gina Butters, director of secondary education; David Hales, elementary supervisor; and Lori Rasmussen, assistant superintendent) to debrief their experience and shed light on what you can expect when partnering with Panorama.

Below, the Weber team discusses how Panorama fits into their vision for student support, the data integration process, the roll-out and adoption plan, and Panorama's ongoing strategic support

Weber's Vision for Student Support—and How Panorama Fits In

Nicole Mickle, Panorama: When Weber School District began conversations with us, they were early into their tiered intervention system journey. The team felt like their student support system was characterized by "autopsies" on students instead of proactive interventions. They wanted to be able to quickly see patterns and identify students before it was too late. Panorama Student Success fit right into that vision. The Weber district team loved that Panorama was a user-friendly, one-stop dashboard that could drive student support, centralize intervention tracking, and situate district-wide social-emotional learning (SEL) data next to other key student data. 

Cami Alexander, Elementary Director: I've spent most of my career in Title I schools. My reaction when I first saw what Panorama could do was emotional. It was emotional for me to see a way that we could help children achieve at great levels with the right data and the right information.

We've done so many things to try and figure out what kids are doing well at and what they're missing. What Panorama gives to us is priceless. In the future, we will have fewer children falling through the cracks. We will have more help for teachers who don't necessarily know what to do and how to do it. Panorama gives us the tools to do the things we've been trying to do in Title I schools for years. I think we're going to save a few kids based on the data we receive. And I know that principals feel the same way, that it's a game changer.

"What Panorama gives to us is priceless. In the future, we will have fewer children falling through the cracks. I think we're going to save a few kids based on the data we receive."

cami alexander–Cami Alexander, Elementary Director

The Data Integration Process: Simple and Collaborative

Panorama Student Success

Nicole Mickle, Panorama: Once Weber kicked off their Panorama partnership, the data integration process was one of the first steps in driving impact. For Weber, this meant that Panorama would securely integrate with their propriety SIS (MyStudent/MyWeber) so that the data would flow into Student Success on a daily basis for educators and administrators.

Our tech teams collaborated to bring Weber's standards-based grades, assessments including DIBELS and UT Rise, behavior data, and Panorama SEL data into Student Success (pictured here, with mock demo data).


Lori Rasmussen, Assistant Superintendent: Overall, the collaboration between our two tech teams was great. The Panorama team gave our tech department the technical answers that we needed. They made it seamless for us to understand how the backend was going to work, how we'd get the data to speak, and if we were getting the right uploads and information in the platform. Our tech department could ask the questions that they needed to ask because they have a responsibility to keep our district safe and to keep our data safe. We could go back to our superintendent and confidently say that this product that will make an impact.

"Our tech department has a responsibility to keep our district and our data safe. The Panorama team was kind and responsive, and gave us the technical answers we needed. We could confidently say to our superintendent that this product will make an impact."

Lori-Rasmussen–Lori Rasmussen, Assistant Superintendent

A Customized, District-Wide Roll-Out Plan for Weber

Weber SD Partnership PlanNicole Mickle, Panorama: After the data integration process was complete,  we worked together on a strategic, phased roll-out plan (pictured left) to introduce Student Success district-wide and to drive platform adoption and impact at every level.

For example, the plan included customized trainings and professional development on how to use Student Success—as well as how to integrate the tool into Weber's Child Study Team Meetings, PLC Meetings, and other existing district and school structures.

David Hales, Elementary Supervisor: The wonderful thing that's happened is that, out of 29 elementary principals, not one of them has been sad that this was happening. So often when you bring new information into their lives, it can appear overwhelming. But Panorama has been welcomed by all 29 of our schools.

Gina Butters, Secondary Director: Our principals are super excited and just want to make sure that they lead out in the right ways, and that we use the data in the right ways. I'm confident—based on what has happened so far—that we're going to be led very well through this partnership.

"So often when you bring new information into educators' lives, it can appear overwhelming. But Panorama has been welcomed by all 29 elementary schools. Not one principal has pushed back."

david-hales-1–David Hales, Elementary Supervisor

Panorama's Client Support: "Part of the Weber Family"

Weber SD - Panorama Planning MeetingWeber School District and Panorama on a biweekly planning call.

Nicole Mickle, Panorama: What does Panorama's ongoing, strategic client support look like? Here's how the Weber district team describes our partnership.

Lori Rasmussen, Assistant Superintendent: Sometimes when you purchase something, the people on the other end are gone, but it's been so nice that you've continually been here to support us and walk us through it so that we get it right. Whenever we've had a question, no matter what it's about, Panorama has been super responsive and gotten back to us in such a timely manner.

Gina Butters, Secondary Director: I would rate Panorama's responsiveness as off the charts. Anytime I've emailed with a small question, you've turned around an answer quickly and I so appreciate it. You really do bring it down to our level, which is appreciated.

Cami Alexander, Elementary Director: From my perspective, what Panorama brings to us is kindness, number one. You've been so strategic and caring about what we feel our principals and teachers can and can't do right now. Because the Panorama team is so responsive—and because we have these ongoing group chats—Panorama has become part of the Weber School District family to me.

"I would rate Panorama's responsiveness as off the charts. Panorama really brings it down to our level, which is appreciated."

gina-butters–Gina Butters, Director of Secondary Education

To learn more about Panorama Student Success, visit this page.

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